It is extremely common for people to spend a lot of money making sure that the windows and doors of their houses are extremely secure. You might have also recently installed an alarm which is directly linked to the emergency services. They will be able to respond quickly in the event of a break-in. However, More…
Author: Tania
Why CCTV is the Obvious Home Security Choice
Of all the different home security systems, CCTV has perhaps a few advantages over the competition. The deterrent value alone makes video surveillance an attractive choice, as the whole point of any home security is to deter a forced entry, and any burglar will simply walk away from a property with CCTV cameras in view. More…
How Can You Protect Your Small Business From Theft?
When you are running a small business, you want it to be as secure as possible. This is because a break in could have potentially catastrophic consequences and you may be forced to close the business as a result. There are lots of ways that you can make your small business completely secure so that More…
Customised Solutions for Home Security
While modern society has given us many benefits, rising crime figures reflect the need for adequate security in the home, and there are a number of ways to secure your property against intruders. There are pros and cons for the various home security systems currently on the market, and if you are thinking of beefing More…
Why You Should Install a Home Security System
Some criminals scope out properties by monitoring the homeowner’s habits to find out when they may have an opportunity to break in. Of course, burglaries are rare, but no household in Australia is impervious to attack. Fortunately, there are ways to deter theft even when you’re not at home, and the best home security systems More…
CCTV — The Most Effective Home Security
There are a number of ways you can beef up the security at home, and each has its good and bad points. A very loud burglar alarm might stop an intruder on their feet, but it won’t help if the police arrive after the culprit has vanished. CCTV, on the other hand, records everything around More…
Five Home Security Ideas That Don’t Always Work
Your home exists to provide a safe habitat for your family, but it’s your valuable possessions that burglars are after. Unfortunately, the police don’t always make it in time to catch criminals in the act, and that’s if the authorities are contacted at all. Needless to say, burglars look for homes that are vacant because More…
Common Home Security Mistakes
Keeping your home as secure as possible should be a top priority. However, sometimes mistakes can happen which mean that your home could be vulnerable to a break-in. This could cause you a large amount of stress and it may cost thousands of dollars to replace items which have been stolen. Here at Protect West More…
Modern Home Security Solutions
In the twenty first century, home security is more important than ever, and technology provides a range of solutions, depending on your needs. The modern burglar is an opportunist, always looking for that open window, or unprotected property that offers easy access, and while it isn’t prevalent in Western Australia, it could happen to you. More…
Keeping Your Property Safe
In today’s modern world it’s essential to protect your home or place of business. It’s not nice to think about the possibility of being burgled or having your property vandalised, but let’s be honest, these things do happen. With that in mind it’s best to be prepared for any situation. There are a number of More…